Update on
  1. How Much Do Dealers Make In Vegas
  2. How Much Do Dealers Make At Casinos
  3. How Much Do Dealers Make On Financing
  4. How Much Do Dealers Make On Used Cars
  5. How Much Do Dealers Make In Atlantic City
  6. How Much Do Dealers Make In A Casino

A common misconception among gold buyers is that gold dealers make money when the price of gold increases, and subsequently lose money when the price of gold decreases. Generally speaking, nothing. How to get a car dealer's license and succeed in used auto sales.

Courtesy of MyNursingUniforms & Dickies Scrubs. How do Car Dealers Make Money: By owning the store in location for years, after sale, accessories sale, financing gains, insurance commissions.

Playing poker at a casino is a super fun and thrilling experience. If you love the casino experience that much, being a poker dealer at a casino will definitely seem like a dream job for many people. Not only will you get to always be part of a game that you like but you will […]

Playing poker at a casino is a super fun and thrilling experience. If you love the casino experience that much, being a poker dealer at a casino will definitely seem like a dream job for many people. Not only will you get to always be part of a game that you like but you will also have the chance to always enjoy the authentic atmosphere that cannot be found anywhere else that is not a casino.

However, as much as being a poker dealer may seem to be glamorous, the first thing that you should probably consider is the pay. So, how much do poker dealers make?

In this blog, I delve into every important detail involving the amounts that poker dealers make. From the average wage, what determines your earnings and training; it’s all covered below.

Let’s begin.

What is the average wage of a poker dealer?

According to Glassdoor, poker dealer salaries in Las Vegas, Nevada range from $18,000 to $49,000 annually with the average salary amount clocking in at $20,991 per year. In California, the average base pay for poker dealers is $10 per hour or up to $38,122 per year.

Top 4 Poker Dealer Salaries in Las Vegas:

  1. Wynn Resorts $60k – $100k (including tips)
  2. Caesars Entertainment $54k – $58k
  3. MGM Resorts International $36k – $44k
  4. SLS Hotels $34k – $37k

Tips are usually very vital to the salaries of most croupiers. Professional poker dealers will, of course, get more tips since they are more knowledgeable and skilled at dealing and handling players. Tips usually range from just a few dollars to $50 or even more depending on the aforementioned factors. These tips can add up to huge sums of money and they make the job even more interesting for many poker enthusiasts.

“The Average Salary for a Poker Dealer in the US is $19,107 per year as of September 2020”


Even so, it is worth noting that different casinos will have different policies regarding how tips are dished out. Some will pool all the tips together and share them among all the poker dealers. Others allow each dealer to keep all their tips.

“The average hourly rate for a card dealer is between $8 – $11 in the United States”

How Much Do Dealers Make In Vegas


What Determines How Much a Dealer Earns?

Several factors come into play when it comes to determining how much poker dealers make. Perhaps the most obvious will be location – what poker dealers make in Las Vegas, for instance, will certainly not be the same as what poker dealers make in California. While both cities are great destinations for casino lovers, the gambling scene in Las Vegas is more vibrant and thus attracts more people. This means that croupiers stand a chance of making more money from tips in Las Vegas since more players will be visiting the casinos.

In many places, casino work including poker dealing can be seasonal and this too will have an impact on what game dealers get.

Another important factor that determines how much a poker dealer earns is professionalism. Well, you do not necessarily need to go to dealing school to become a poker dealer but this could certainly make you a better dealer.

Dealing is a customer service job where you not only need to keep control of the poker game but also enforce the rules while at the same time ensuring that the players are treated to a great experience. That said, it is pretty easy to see that experienced and professional poker dealers make way more money. This applies to both tips and the base salary.

How much do dealers make on new trucks

Typically, tips make up a huge chunk of what most poker dealers get to take home. One AMA from a poker dealer on Reddit stated:

“As for income, I only get paid in tips. No wages. I make an average of $15/hour.”

How Much Do Dealers Make

The amounts will range depending on several factors, from experience to the casino you are dealing at. It might be a little too difficult to accurately predict how much in tips they make since these are not often factored in when calculating the wages of casino dealers.

In the same AMA the poker dealer commented:

“The biggest tip I ever received at once was $100”

While another commented:

“[the] Biggest tip I recieved in my time as a dealer was $1000 chip”

It really does show how much tips can vary from dealer to dealer.

How Can I become a Poker Dealer?

If you are impressed by what poker dealers make you might be probably considering taking it up as a career. If that is the case, you will need to be aware of some of the requirements that you will need to meet to qualify. While some of these factors will vary from one casino to the next, some standard ones apply across the board.

To begin with, poker dealing is pretty complex, and to get ahead of the curve, a training course would be great even if you are an avid poker player. This does not mean that mastery of the game is thrown under the bus – in fact, it is vital to your application. Even so, before you are allowed to start, you might need to pass a dealer audition where everything from your knowledge of the game to your customer service skills are put to the test.

There are some casinos that train you in-house but if you want to apply for one of the larger casinos you will need some previous training. There are school dedicated to training casino dealers (including poker) such as:

How Much Do Dealers Make At Casinos

Each of these schools teach new dealers everything they need to know about dealing poker. There are plenty of schools out there so check your local area for ones close to you.

In addition to that, there are a few other important factors that you may need to consider. For instance, you have to be of the legal gambling age and have a flexible schedule. It goes without saying that you should do a bit of research and background checks on the casino you wish to work at to ascertain whether you are okay with their policies.

All in all, the overarching requirement when it comes to being a dealer is having a well-rounded personality in addition to all the related experience. This means that things like being able to speak multiple languages, a warm personality, and exceptional math skills will give you a huge edge. Casinos are always looking for new talent and all you have to do is put yourself out there. Better yet, you can start small and built up some progress as you perfect your skills and gain more experience.

Is This the Dream Job For You?

If you still think that being a poker dealer is your dream job even after going through the estimated salaries then you should go for it. It all comes down to why you are doing it – some people take their dealing careers very seriously while others prefer to have fun with it by doing it as a hobby. Either way, there is a lot to be gained from it so long as you have the right attitude and are ready to deal with all of the things that come with the job.

Just make sure that you take every relevant factor into account just as you would for other jobs.


According to a recent listing from tripadvisor.com, Wynn Las Vegas pays its dealers the highest – an average of $100,000 annually in salary and tips.

Yes, most casinos require that you get a few weeks of training and certification from a certified poker dealing school before they can hire you.

Yes. Depending on several factors poker dealers in the United States can make up to $100,000 in salary and tips every year.

Poker dealers tap the poker table lightly to let the players know that the previous round of the game has ended and they are about to deal again.

Visors help poker dealers to reduce eyestrain which is usually caused by the glaring overhead lighting that is normally characteristic of many poker rooms in casinos.

Yes, some casinos allow the poker dealers to keep all of the tips that they get from the players at the tables they are dealing.

What is the difference between a dealer and croupier?

The main difference between dealers and croupiers is the fact that dealers are usually found in card games such as poker while croupiers deal handle roulette games.


Once you get to the casino, you stay there for at least several years. The dealer’s job is attractive and exhausting at the same time. Many people become the hostages of high salaries and their habits. You have to earn 10-15 hours a day but it is easy to adjust in some time. You’ve got to make no mistakes to avoid getting hit in the face by a tattooed fist, a pack of chips or getting shot by a traumatic gun.

We wanted to get a little information about the life of poker dealers in various countries. How do dealers work in the heart of the cards world – Las Vegas, at WSOP. And how do they feel themselves in the other corner of the Earth – at underground clubs of Russia and Ukraine. Are there any differences (you bet there are!) and what are they?

“The player wins – the player is a pro, the player loses – the dealer is a faggot”

This headline is the essence of work of almost any croupier. Dealers are staff service, just like waitresses, cleaners, barmen and others, and their main task is to please the clients. Yep, that is a ruthless truth and you can do nothing about it.

This is fair not only for underground casino where it works 100% but also for World Series of Poker:

“When the stacks are bigger, the levels last longer, the structure is slower and the salary of the dealer is MUCH lower. So all the changes in favor of the players hurt us financially. The logic has to be the following – the more you work, the more you get, but it isn’t so in reality. In time the number of good dealers decreases. We want players to realize that, but it is profitable for the casino to exploit their workers and please the clients, not to care about well-being of the both categories,” tells a dealers with the experience of working at WSOP.

3% of prize fund of World Series is what personnel gets. 70% of this 3% goes to dealers and 30% goes to the floor managers. Floor managers also get solid wage while croupier gets minimal wage. As fair as that.

If we don’t speak about finances, at the big series dealers have comfortable conditions. The work is hard but not dangerous.

One Russian who worked in one of the casinos of Atlantic City tells this:“We were respected, people knew our names, American casinos are different to any other casino in the world, we were equals to players. I learned how to make rude people blush at the tables. There were very few of them. Russian are the most rude in public, and they change as well”.

It is not like that at all at the underground world.

“We usually don’t have any rumbles in the facility, but some accidents happen as players threw hookahs at the dealer or shot them with a traumatic gun just because he dealt the card, which took away the victory from inadequate player”, tells one of the dealers of underground poker room in Vladivostok.

Players throw chips, hookahs and everything they can reach for. It is usually something light, sometimes, though, heavy things fly to the dealers.

Taking a nap

Have you ever thought about what dealers do between the shifts? That’s right, they are having rest at a special room for personnel. At least they did saw at one the casinos before gambling was prohibited in Russia.

As one of the dealers tells, the sleep was strictly prohibited:

How Much Do Dealers Make On Financing

“The camera in the corner never allowed us to forget about “sleeping fee” (of 500-1500 rubles). Many dealers did sleep in different positions. Someone was “reading a book”, the others “were sewing buttons to the uniform”, sitting face away from the camera. It took a great skill to have a 5-minute nap and not get caught”.

Almost entire personnel had to drink. “For good luck”, they said, but that really was o get going. Coca-cola mixed with vodka wasn’t rare as the casino management approved drinking alcohol. We are now talking of Russian poker where the dealer participates in the game. When the table is losing (or worse, the whole hall) – there was a real drunk party in the backstage.

It helped. Profit always came back.

How Much Do Dealers Make On Used Cars

The universal soldier

One of the main differences between dealers work in the underground and in the open is in his duty on the shift. For instance, the poker room - flat in Vladivostok we’ve mentioned earlier, was run by the manager with one helper:

“He was exchanging money for chips and chips for money and decided controversial moments where he dealer couldn’t make a decision. The managers also took care of organizational matters, such as rent, bar supply and salaries payment. Manage had an administrator who helped him and replaced in certain cases, barmen who served the clients and did the cleaning and us, dealers”.

The work of the underground facility personnel can be described in a single phrase:

“All that can be done by a single man without any harm towards work, does a single man”.

The dealer, for instance, prepares the table, the equipment, looks at the cards or table defects, counts the fees, and decides some questions and so on. This is the universal soldier who is able to replace two or three croupiers in usual casinos or poker rooms.

They work with immense intensity in illegal facilities:

“My record is 19 hours of almost non-stop work being alone, 3 hours of sleep at the workplace and a new shift. In these busy days croupier usually earns a 5-digit amount (of rubles)”.

Robot-dealer by Paradise Entertainment, Hong Kong

How Much Do Dealers Make

Money is the key thing

Are there any differences in salaries of dealers in the USA and Russia? Certainly

Here is how much the dealer earns for working at the World Series:

“Total salary is around $15k with 12k remaining after paying taxes, minus spending - $10k total. This is the amount I take home with me. Many people know that dealers specially come to Vegas at WSOP, rent the house, the car and so on.”

How Much Do Dealers Make In Atlantic City

A good dealer is able to earn up to $20,000 during World Series, but the experienced dealers usually work at smaller clubs:

Начало формы

“I earned 130k per year by working at circuit events: WPO, WSOP, Four Queens, LAC and others. Really good croupiers come to work at small clubs as it is not profitable for them to work at the big series. They earn 3-4 timed more at smaller clubs and have medical insurance and other benefits”.

Those amounts are a far away dreams to common dealers in Russia and Ukraine. Especially for those working legally. Here are the HeadHunters offers:

  • Croupier at Tigre de Cristal – 45,000+ rubles (~$700+);
  • Croupier at ORACUL casino – from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles (~$400+);
  • Croupier at 'Altai Palace' casino – 40,000+ rubles(~$650+).

Underground dealers earn more

“An experienced dealer in the popular place being busy for a normal amount of time earn good money – 3-4 times above average salary in the region” – say people in Vladivostok.

How Much Do Dealers Make In A Casino

That is 80,000 – 120,000 rubles a month with the average of 25,000-30,000 in the region in 2016. Those are rough numbers.

Wherever you play, remember that the dealer is your best friend. Don’t underestimate him and don’t treat him like he’s your servant. Just like pedestrians are full-scale traffic participants, not just moving obstacles.

More interesting and useful articles from the world of poker you can read in our blog. Also search for poker clubs in the country or city, get to know about upcoming poker tournaments or cash games at PokerDiscover.com portal.

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